Holy Ghost School welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds to join our school community and encourages family participation in the life of our school! More than just an institute of learning, Holy Ghost School is a community of families who understand that true education doesn’t stop at the end of the school day but carries over into all aspects of life. We invite interested families in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to visit our campus and Catch the Spirit that suffuses Holy Ghost School.
If your family is interested in applying for admission to the school, the following items will be needed for enrollment.
Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of Standardized Testing Scores and Report Cards from the previous school(s)
Immunization Records (All Immunizations MUST be current before the child can attend any classes)
Copy of any Current Court Order or Decree relating To the Custody/Conservatorship of this student
Completed Emergency Medical Information
Copy of Sacramental Records if Catholic (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation)
Our faculty and staff are committed to providing your child with the best possible education, and we are grateful for your commitment and continued support to make that possible. Realizing that there is the financial sacrifice that you make for the education of your children, we do our best to provide financial assistance.
One of the most significant methods of tuition reduction is just by applying for this tuition assistance. In order to receive ANY tuition assistance, parents MUST complete the FACTS Grant and Aid Application.
Please use the link below to access the application